Chosen As A.Y.E.S. Facility.
We are pleased to announce that our dealership has been chosen an Automotive
Youth Educational Systems facility. The AYES initiative is a school-to-work
transition strategy that forges a partnership among automotive manufactures,
educators (high school and vocational/technical schools) public sector agencies
and specially selected volunteering participating dealerships. In a nutshell,
AYES students are "academically top of their class" local automotive vocational
students who are willing to work as apprentices at an AYES Facility. Normally
vocational students work in the school, cycling through a schedule of ten
days of class followed by ten days of shop work. AYES students work at the
AYES Facility during what would have normally been the ten days of in-school
shop assignment. The students work under the guidance of one of our ASE Certified
Since the complexity and sophistication of today's vehicles
has increased exponentially in the last 20 years, today's smart cars need
smart, well-educated technicians. Most secondary education automotive programs
have not maintained pace with dealership requirements. Students are not necessarily
being taught what dealerships want their entry-level technicians to know.
These factors have led to a reduction in the number of qualified entry-level
technicians. Other factors too have led to this technician shortage. Those
other factors include the fact that the
generation X, (baby bust generation), is much smaller than the baby boom
generation before it. There are 7 million fewer 21-29 year-olds in the work
force than there were in 1980.
Also contributing to the scarcity of technicians is a widely
held perception that in the future, the only jobs worth having will require
a baccalaureate degree. The young people who have both the "head skills" and
the "hand skills" which would make them excellent technicians are rarely encouraged
to consider careers in automotive service technology. So, at the very time
that the need for knowledgeable service technicians is growing, the supply
is getting smaller. The situation is an all-too familiar one to automotive
dealerships across the country. The solution is at hand, however, in the
form of a solid school-to-work strategy. The AYES initiative is the premier
effort addressing this need today.
AYES envisions an environment where:
(1). Automotive service technology is respected and valued.
(2). Rewarding career paths are clearly defined and evident.
(3). High-quality automotive training programs are operating
nationwide and qualified students are eager to participate.
(4). All AYES students are prepared upon graduation to move
on to the next step in their careers-as entry-level automotive technicians,
some other technology-related position, or into advanced academic status.
By participating in AYES our dealership is making a commitment
to help make this vision a reality. Both the students and the dealership roles
are critical to the success of the initiative. The schools will help students
learn the basic concepts, and the dealership will provide the work environment
where those concepts are applied. The integration of high school classroom
studies with on-the-job experience is at the heart of AYES
Lamoureux Retires From NBSO.
(courtesy NBSO "The Score"
Our customer and friend Lillian Lamoureux, has decided to step down from
her 20 year position as president of The New Bedford Symphony Orchestra. Mrs.
Lamoureux has transformed the orchestra from a collection of volunteers to
an excellent assembly of professional musicians. She has worked with conductors
Rudolph Schlaegel, Leonard Atherton and Ejii Oue (current conductor of the
Minnesota Symphony Orchestra). She still pushes forward with her goal to introduce
music to people who have never before experienced live classical music. To
further this goal NBSO is hosting an increasing number of Youth Concerts.
Not wanting to draw attention to herself, Mrs. Lamoureux was hesitant
to comply with the Board of Trustees desire to hold a testimonial dinner
in her honor. When she was told that the proceeds would be placed in the
Music Scholarship Fund for the area's youth, she agreed. Among those who
attended were Mayor Frederick Kaliz and former mayors Rosemary Tierney, John
Bullard and Brian Lawler. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution
to the Lillian Lamoureux Music Scholarship Fund, make your check payable
to the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra, P.O. Box 2053, New Bedford, MA 02741.
Restyles Logo.
For the first time since 1963, Cadillac is redesigning its famous "mark
of excellence" corporate logo. The new logo will begin to appear on Cadillac
vehicles starting in 2002. The birds or "merlettes" will be dropped from the
logo as well as the crown or "couronne" that has been at the very top of
the Cadillac shield since 1963. The shield logo was originally derived from
the coat of arms of Le Sieur Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac who founded the
city of Detroit in 1701. 2002 will mark Cadillac's 100th year.
New Intern
From AYES Program.
Abe Martin is serving with us as an intern from the AYES program. (See Giammalvo's
Chosen As A.Y.E.S. Facility on p.1) Abe is currently a student at New Bedford
Regional Vocational Technical High School and is training in the field of
Auto Body Refinish and Repair. He is currently assisting us in our reconditioning
department where he is gaining experience in both vehicle interior and exterior
reconditioning. After graduation Abe will be attending Baraine Institute in
Reputation Crosses An Ocean!
This fall we were surprised to get a call from a person in Italy inquiring
about a car. David Wilson called us inquiring about several cars. David is
employed by the prestigious accounting firm, Ernst & Young in Milan Italy.
David resides in Marion but is often overseas. David asked a neighbor in Marion,
Michael Taylor, where he could purchase a late model quality car. Michael
Taylor, who happens to be a Giammalvo customer, recommended us. Since David
was in Italy he asked Mike to look at several vehicles on our lot. Mike then
advised David via phone of our selection. Once the ball was rolling David
phoned Sam and they conversed about several cars. David wanted the car for
his son Andrew who commutes to a Boston area school where he is studying
graphic arts. Andrew's present car had finally konked out so he needed another
car right away. The entire transaction was done over the phone. Sam is shown
above handing Andrew the keys to his 1997 Nissan Altima. We also e-mailed
this photo to David in Italy so he could also witness his son taking delivery
of his new car.
The Importance of
Tire Rotation and Wheel Balancing.
How often should you rotate and balance your tires?
Most Domestic and Foreign car manufacturers recommend tire
balancing and rotation at regular intervals. Your owners manual will tell
you that tires that are not rotated and balanced at the proper intervals will
suffer from irregular wear. Your original tires were properly balanced before
the car left the factory, but will need rebalancing at a later date. Tire
manufacturers recommend that tires and wheels be balanced every 6,000 miles.
Additionally, proper tire inflation should be checked at regular intervals
to reduce rapid tire wear. As you know we send out post card reminders whenever
your car is due for its tire rotation and balance service.
What are the benefits of rotating tires?
Your front tires steer the car, plus bear the extra loads of
braking. These two conditions cause the front tires to wear faster than the
rear tires. These conditions are more pronounced on front-wheel drive cars,
since the front tires must also carry torque loads from the engine. A car
with perfect wheel alignment settings will scuff the outside edges of the
front tires. Therefore, tire life can greatly be extended by adhering to
a regular rotation schedule.
Why do tires and wheels need balancing?
Given today's modern manufacturing processes, tires and wheels
still have inherent imbalances that require correcting. Plus, as you drive
your car, your tires wear due to starting, stopping, turning, and occasional
skidding. This causes your tires to develop additional imbalances. Out-of-balance
front tires cause front wheel shimmy, or shaking, that translates into vibrations
in the steering wheel and through the car. Out-of-balance rear tires cause
a "seat of the pants" shaking sensation, or rear passengers may notice a vibration.
These vibrations lead to increased road rumble inside the car and spoil a
comfortable and quiet ride. There are other problems that develop from out-of-balance
tires and wheels. Imbalances left uncorrected can lead to severe suspension
and drivetrain wear. These conditions cause increased maintenance costs,
and a very rough riding car.
Tire rotation recommendations.
Over the years there have been a number of tire rotation patterns
used. Today's cars use two standard rotation patterns, one for front-wheel
drive, and one for rear-wheel drive cars. With the introduction of radial
tires in the 1970's, tires were rotated front-to-back and back-to-front on
the same side of the car. This is still an accepted method. However, today,
most manufactures recommend cross-rotation of all tires as the preferred
method. This allows each tire to run at each corner of the vehicle to distribute
weight evenly and extend tire life.
Why should you balance and rotate your tires?
Remember how your car drove when it was new? That new car ride
has slowly deteriorated over the years, due primarily to tire wear and wheel
stress. Since leaving the dealership lot, your car's wheels and tires have
made millions of revolutions and traveled thousands of miles over rough roads
and potholes. This tire wear and wheel stress has caused imbalances that
have destroyed that comfortable ride. To restore that new car feel, you must
balance your tires and wheels on a regular basis over the life of your vehicle.
The greatest maintenance cost during the life of your car or truck can be
the money you spend on new tires. The average cost for a set of 4 new tires
is about $319.80 and some special model car tires cost substantially more.
To protect your investment, scheduled tire balance and rotation will not
only extend the life, but will stretch your dollar and restore that new car
ride. We will send you a post card to remind you to come in for your tire
inspection, rotation and balance at 6,000 mile intervals.
Is Your Vehicle Ready
For The Winter?
Winter weather in New England can be tough on your vehicle.
We all know proper maintenance is required to ensure safe driving conditions.
Most late model vehicles require cooling systems to be flushed and fluid levels
to be periodically inspected to ensure that your vehicles engine runs at
its utmost ability. All tires should also be inspected and aired to factory
specifications to avoid unnecessary impaired driving conditions. We
at Giammalvo's want to ensure our customers are
driving safely this winter season. Our ASE certified technicians are looking
forward to winterizing and ensuring our customers are driving safely in the
upcoming months ahead.
In Passing
(Obituaries Courtesy The Standard Times)
We were saddened to learn of the loss of the following customers:
We were saddened to learn of the loss of Patrick Taber, who
was the father of our service advisor: Suzanne Blais.
Patrick Taber was born in New Bedford and he lived in
this area all of his life. He was a communicant of St. James Church.
Mr. Taber was employed as a color printer at Brittany Dye for 32 years. He
was a member of the Teamsters Union Local 59 and was an avid fisherman.
Henry Jachna was born in New Bedford and lived most of
his life in Fairhaven. He was a communicant of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Church. He was employed by Locals 501 and 17 and worked for various local
sheet metal contractors. He was a retired call firefighter for the Fairhaven
Fire Department and was a lieutenant on Engine 3. Mr. Jachna was a member
of the Polish National Alliance, the Henry Dabrowski Society, the Knights
of Columbus, Damien Council, and a fourth degree member of the Bishop Cassidy
Assembly. He was also a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help senior Citizens.